now Lava Pups can deal

If you look to government statistics for help, you find that you can indeed find statistics on the cost of food. However, the reports that are available are long, involved, and usually out of date by the time they are released. So, finding actual national averages for the average cost of groceries per year based on government surveys and results is somewhat problematic. cheap nfl jerseys 2 points submitted 22 hours agoIt also worth noting that, despite the 7 elixir cost, it has less health than giant and does far less dps (but more after breaking). I think the Lava Hound suffers in two major areas: it doesn have a good splash synergy (making it struggle a lot against bait) and the pups can one shot bats (as mentioned). My suggestion is this:Add a flying splash card that less about being a mini tank and more about being a good splash cardReduce the health of Skeletons and Bats by 9% so they get killed by lower level troops easier (cough cough)Rework Lava Pups like was done with Spear Goblins so they can one shot Skeletons and Bats (hit speed slowed 1.0 > 1.3, damage increased 45 > 61, total dps increased by 4%)This way, Lava Hound has a reasonable synergy that helps it with bait, and now Lava Pups can deal with certain troops (especially Bats) much more effectively. cheap nfl jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys Vercammen is a recipient of the NJSBA YLD Service to the Bar Award. And past Winner cheap nfl jerseys "General Practice Attorney of the Year" from the NJ State Bar Association. He is a 22 year active member of the American Bar Association. Voat was amazing, better than reddit, for like a month after r/fatpeoplehate was banned cheap nfl jerseys by those fat mods who were butthurt about it. 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